18 Apr 2017

TLPOA Meeting

July 5, 2015

Opening of Meeting

Rockey Reed brought the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. at the Bridgeport Elementary School.  Approximately, sixty-five members were present.  Officers present were Rockey Reed, President; Larry Schwartz, Vice President; Linda Eisele, Secretary; Pat Ulm, Treasurer; Lou Carvalho; Member-at-Large.  Rockey led the Pledge of Allegiance.  Rockey asked the members for a moment of silence, in memory of those who passed away during the last year.

Guest Speakers

Ingrid Braun, Sheriff of Mono County   Ingrid started the meeting off stating there is an open door policy within the Sheriff’s Department.  She intends to be out in the community solving problems getting feedback and improving emergency response times.  She also, stated there were five Chevy Tahoe’s ordered which are black and white.  These cars will give the Sheriff’s Department a new presence within the community.  The deputies wear body cameras so they are held accountable for their professionalism as well as their interaction within the community.  They also, use audio recorders so they have control over policies used when interacting with a citizen while on patrol. A citizen has the right to refuse being audio recorded if requested. 

She also, stated she has no problems issuing CCW’s as long as a citizen qualifies for one.  Ingrid has issued several concealed weapons permits.  The issue of dogs not being on leashes running after children and adults were open for discussion.  Ingrid stated, you must fill out a report in order to build a case for the district attorney’s office.

Question: What can we do to help resolve the issue?

You can defend yourself and family by carrying pepper spray and expanding a leash law in the Twin Lakes area.  A citizen cannot harm another person’s animal.  You can get a 90 day CCW permit but the conceal carry cannot be loaded.  If you harm someone else’s animal your homeowner’s insurance should cover it but you run the risk of losing your insurance coverage.  Animal Control is pursuing the case.  There is a five animal maximum per household. 

Tim Fesko, County Supervisor-District 4,  He stated there is less than one million dollars in reserves and has decreased their employees from three hundred fifty employees to two hundred and fifty employees for the fiscal year, July 1, 2015 – June 2016.  Property taxes have increased slightly this year.  The health insurance for county employees has increased 21% and CAL PERS has increased by 10%.   Working with a local company who was the only bidder for internet service and hoping to have it at Twin Lakes by next year. 

There will be truck restrictions on Highway 108.  CAL TRANS passed an ordinance but it will take six months to order signs.  The goal is to have the signs up by next spring.  ATV off road vehicles on county roads didn’t get approval due to environmental studies which would cost between $200.000 – $300.000.  CORVA would have to use grant money to do the study.  A trailhead has to be within a three mile range from lodging services.  The focus is on the South County not the North County. 


Bob Peters, Bridgeport Inn, He purchased the Bridgeport Inn in 1999.  There has been two centuries of ownership.  Business is doing well.  Multi use town brings in people with ATV’s. Growth has been falling and jobs have moved to the South County.  Bob has been associated with Mono County for fifty years.  His wife’s family bought in Virginia Lakes in 1943.  They raised their kids and grandkids in this area.  The county used grant money for street angle parking downtown to slow down traffic.  Cal Trans fixed parking spaces so they are 100% in compliance.

Lydia March, Sierra Crest Real Estate, Lydia stated, there are five houses on the market at Twin Lakes.  The average price is $515, 000 and has been taking longer to sell.  Lydia’s market is June Lakes/North County. 

Suzanne Baker, Coldwell Banker Real Estate, She got involved in real estate in Mammoth in 2006.  There was a crash in the housing market in 2008-2009.  There were fourteen properties in Twin Lakes that were sold in 2012.  The average price for a 2600 square foot home was $385,000.  Certain areas are booming and prices in Twin Lakes are priced accordingly.  Second homes are great to own. 


TLPOA Business

Minutes from 2014 meeting were read by Linda Eisele, and were approved.

The Treasurer’s report was summarized by Pat Ulm.

Glen Sittel, was elected as new President, Lou Carvalho, was elected as Vice President and Candy Carvalho was elected as Member-At-Large.


Bridgeport Elementary School                             $250

Bridgeport Volunteer Fire Dept                           $250

Mono County Sheriff Search & Rescue             $250

Bridgeport Friends of Library                               $250

Mono County Historical Society                          $200

Bridgeport Fish Enhancement Foundation       $250 (discussed and approved)

Committee Reports

Adopt-A-Highway, Claudia was not present,

Lake Cleanup, Bob & Diane Wilson, Sun. Sept. 13 – 8:00 a.m.

Road Signs, Greg Eisele, replaced two in 2014

Annual Picnic, Sun, Aug. 30, 4:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.

Fire Safe Council, John Hicks, – Members approved funding a maximum of two days for chipping services.

Web Site, Ramona Reed, asked the members to send photos and stories of adventures to add to the TLPOA web site.
